It's been so crazy in Candy's Land catching up from Mom and Shuga D's first real deal, week-long spring vacation, that we haven't had time to recap it. Although old news now, it's been far from forgettable. From visiting her sister Georgie Girl and her drummer man Scott in Hollywood to driving through the desert to Tucson for visiting his sister Brooke and main man Steve with their beautiful toddler and newborn brood, Jackson James and Olive Jean, here are just a few of the highlights:
- The moment Mom saw her sister . . . and hugged her until they weren't the only ones in the Pig and Whistle with tears in their eyes. Georgie Girl has been an L.A. Woman for over a year now, and she looks more beautiful, authentic and TALLER than ever.
- Shuga D taking the crew to a L.A. Dodgers game against Arizona's Diamondbacks. Mom not only agreed to go to a sporting event, but she stepped out of her comfort zone so much so that she lost a few moments in outer space on Hollywood Boulevard.
- Hugging the neck of Macon's own crooner Mark Brooker and his beautiful Italian lady friend after meeting up at the place of 80's rock legends, the Rainbow Room.
- The strike at Lucky Strike, first try and several "Roy Rogers" drinks later while bowling with Shuga.
- The infamous $25 salad among the famous (or wannabe famous), poolside at the Roosevelt Hotel, Mom and Shuga's temporary home-away-from-home. Such salad is now a souvenir pictured here.
- Afroman's curse-filled, star-studded celebrity tour that made Mom blush and Shuga say, "The Southern gentleman in me isn't so sure about this."
- Pinkberry. Pinkberry. Pinkberry.
- Mom dipping her toe into the chilly Pacific ocean and soaking up the sites and sounds of the stunning cliffs of Malibu with Shuga, Georgie Girl and Drummer Man Scott.
- The Jewish waitress at Greenblatt's Deli who cursed when she burned herself and harkened the New Testament with a few choice words. And then there was the best bagel and lox (Mom's absolute food favorite!) ever had.
- Sitting amongst her Walden kin - sister and cousins in their historic deco home nestled in the hills above Hollywood. The West Coast seems to be treating the younger sibs of Waldens well.
- The breath-taking art and artistic view from the top of the Getty Museum that got Mom and Shuga behind schedule and stuck in L.A.'s Friday rush hour . . . for three hours.
- Windmills on the desert drive just before the sun went down and the lights of Palm Springs came on
- Figuring out the Prius rental car in Phoenix, then figuring how much money and little carbon footprint they really did save!
- Jackson James anticipating their arrival by waiting in the front yard
- Meeting, holding and cuddling newborn Olive Jean for the very first time
- Eating an orange, straight off a backyard orange tree
- Tucson's version of Bragg Jam . . . and Mom and Shuga taking notes!
- Mom's re-discovery of the desert's beauty, a decade since her last trip and the first time with the man of her dreams.
- The Sonoran hotdog: bacon, mayo, peppers, beans and bottomless bun. No need to say more.
- Fresh tableside (in their case, barside) salsa-making right before their eyes. More tomatillos, please.
- Seeing Shuga and his sister share that same wonderful Weatherford smile . . .
And that is just a start of Mom and Shuga's recapped adventure in the wild, wild west. The rest, as they say, is meant for the family scrapbook. Except for the poolside salad.
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