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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Getting By with Help from our Friends

So the wedding week is officially here. This bride would be fibbing if I said I hadn't been stressing. But for the most part, I know this party is going to happen whether we're ready or not! We've got a lot of friends to thank for their generosity and support over the last few (and I mean few because this engagement was fast!) months. We've been truly blown away by the good folk in our lives.

I've got to give a special shout-out to my friend / fitness guru B.J. Dunwody, who gave me a gift that I hope I will keep giving to myself. She kicked my butt. And this bride has loved it. She stepped in as my fitness trainer/pseudo-shrink to get me through these last few weeks. Not only has she made me physically feel better about putting on the wedding dress, but she's made me PROUD as peacock to put on that wedding dress and dance the night away. Above is our photo, toe to toe. I didn't even know what to do with sneakers until she talked me into lacing them up. The best part about it all? She has become one of the best friend this bride could ever have through such a crazy time. Love you, B.J.!

Thanks to all of our friends, from the bottom of our hearts, for making this moment ours, all together.

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